「その上」「さらに加えて」は情報を追加する時に役立つフレーズですが、英語では主に「what's more」「plus」「besides」「in addition」「moreover」「furthermore」の6つのフレーズを使います。では、この6つのフレーズはどのように使い分けしたらいいのでしょうか?
まず、「what's more/plus/besides」と「in addition/moreover/furthermore」の2つに分けます。前者は日常生活で誰かと会話をする時など、カジュアルな場面で使います。 一方、後者はビジネス文書やメール、会社のプレゼンテーション、ニュースなど、フォーマルな場面で使います。
「what's more/plus/besides」
The book I bought yesterday was terrible. What's more, the story was really similar to latest popular author's one. I was so disappointed!
They are arguing each other for a while, plus, what they're arguing about is exactly same thing as always.
It is way too cold for playing outside today, besides, it starts snowing as well!
「in addition/moreover/furthermore」
There was massive earthquake in Japan and, moreover, there was massive Tstnami just after that. It was absolutely one of the worst disasters in Japan's history.
Reading out loud is an excellent way to increase your vocabulary. Furthermore, it can help improve your speaking skill as well as pronunciations.
You can get this shirt for a half price as we're having a big summer sale right now, in addition, if you buy two items from this shelf, you can get third one completely free.
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also/too/as well も覚えておこう
情報を追加する時に役立つフレーズには「その上」「さらに加えて」以外にもあります。 それが「~もまた」です。 英語では「also/too/as well」で表現します。 尚、「also/too/as well」それぞれの意味はほぼ同じですが、「too/as well」は文末で使うのが一般的であるのに対して、「also」は文末以外にも文中でも使うことができます。
I and my husband did a lot of sightseeing on our honeymoon in Paris. We also enjoyed so many delicious foods over there.
My son had a great time with his friends on his birthday party. My daughter had quite fun as a host for her little brother's party, too.
He is not only good looking, he is very smart as well.
for example/for instance も使えるようにしよう
さらに、情報を追加する時に良く使うフレーズとして「例えば~」「例を挙げるとすれば~」があります。 英語では「for example/for instance」で表現します。 「for example/for instance」は文頭か文末で使います。
She has a lot of good idea for her daughter's 10th birthday party. For example, she can organize some party at the indoor rock climbing center.
There are a number of possibility for our plan for the holiday-camping at the mountain or staying at resort at the beach, for example.
There will be many kinds of people at the anime event on the park this weekends-cosplayer or a cartoonist, for instance.
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